Everything about home textiles. We produce pillows, blankets, carpets and much more according to your wishes and needs!

Start the day relaxed with bed linen according to your wishes or under our own brand Schlafwohl ®

For your four-legged friends there are fluffy blankets, baskets and much more!
Information regarding the COVID-19 (Corona) virus
Because of the Corona Virus (COVID-19) we have switched our infrastructure to emergency operation.
We are therefore
available via E-MAIL, and to a limited extent by phone from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
If you know: please use our phone extensions.
Stay healthy!
We only work with high quality textiles for our end products.
Worldwide transport
Together with our logistics partners, we take over the transport from the manufacturer to the European Union.
We store our products throughout Europe in our warehouses
We can arrange the dispatch of the products to your warehouse or your branches.
About Us
We are an international company headquartered in Austria.
Our family owned company is characterized in particular by a high level of flexibility.